deck module¶
"Module for interacting with in Python.
Layer (Layer)
Configures a layer for rendering on a map. Parameters passed here will be specific to the particular layer that you are choosing to use. Please see the Layer catalog ( to determine the particular parameters of your layer. You are highly encouraged to look at the examples in the pydeck documentation.
Source code in geemap/
class Layer(pdk.Layer):
"""Configures a layer for rendering on a map. Parameters passed here will be specific to the particular layer that you are choosing to use.
Please see the Layer catalog ( to determine the particular parameters of your layer.
You are highly encouraged to look at the examples in the pydeck documentation.
def __init__(self, type, data=None, id=None, use_binary_transport=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a Layer object.
type (str): Type of layer to render, e.g., HexagonLayer. See Layer catalog (
data (str, optional): Unique name for layer. Defaults to None.
id (str | dict | pandas.DataFrame, optional): Either a URL of data to load in or an array of data. Defaults to None.
use_binary_transport (bool, optional): Boolean indicating binary data. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(type, data, id, use_binary_transport, **kwargs)
__init__(self, type, data=None, id=None, use_binary_transport=None, **kwargs)
Initialize a Layer object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
type |
str |
Type of layer to render, e.g., HexagonLayer. See Layer catalog ( |
required |
data |
str |
Unique name for layer. Defaults to None. |
None |
id |
str | dict | pandas.DataFrame |
Either a URL of data to load in or an array of data. Defaults to None. |
None |
use_binary_transport |
bool |
Boolean indicating binary data. Defaults to None. |
None |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(self, type, data=None, id=None, use_binary_transport=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a Layer object.
type (str): Type of layer to render, e.g., HexagonLayer. See Layer catalog (
data (str, optional): Unique name for layer. Defaults to None.
id (str | dict | pandas.DataFrame, optional): Either a URL of data to load in or an array of data. Defaults to None.
use_binary_transport (bool, optional): Boolean indicating binary data. Defaults to None.
super().__init__(type, data, id, use_binary_transport, **kwargs)
Map (Deck)
The Map class inherits pydeck.Deck.
Type | Description |
object |
pydeck.Deck object. |
Source code in geemap/
class Map(pdk.Deck):
"""The Map class inherits pydeck.Deck.
object: pydeck.Deck object.
def __init__(self, center=(20, 0), zoom=1.2, height=800, width=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a Map object.
center (tuple, optional): Center of the map in the format of (lat, lon). Defaults to (20, 0).
zoom (int, optional): The map zoom level. Defaults to 1.2.
height (int, optional): The map height. Note that the height has no effect in Jupyter notebook. Only works for streamlit. Defaults to 800.
width (int, optional): The map width. Note that the height has no effect in Jupyter notebook. Only works for streamlit. Defaults to None.
# Authenticates Earth Engine and initializes an Earth Engine session
if "ee_initialize" not in kwargs.keys():
kwargs["ee_initialize"] = True
if kwargs["ee_initialize"]:
if "initial_view_state" not in kwargs:
kwargs["initial_view_state"] = pdk.ViewState(
if "map_style" not in kwargs:
kwargs["map_style"] = "light"
def add_layer(self, layer, layer_name=None, **kwargs):
"""Add a layer to the map.
layer (pydeck.Layer): A pydeck Layer object.
layer_name (str, optional): Sets the layer 'id' for the pydeck Layer object.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object.
if isinstance(layer, str) and layer.startswith("http"):
pdk.settings.custom_libraries = [
"libraryName": "MyTileLayerLibrary",
"resourceUri": "",
layer = pdk.Layer("MyTileLayer", layer, id=layer_name, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
def add_ee_layer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, **kwargs):
"""Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
ee_object (Collection|Feature|Image|MapId): The object to add to the map.
vis_params (dict, optional): The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object.
import ee
from box import Box
image = None
if vis_params is None:
vis_params = {}
if name is None:
layer_count = len(self.layers)
name = "Layer " + str(layer_count + 1)
if (
not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Image)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.ImageCollection)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Feature)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Geometry)
err_str = "\n\nThe image argument in 'addLayer' function must be an instance of one of ee.Image, ee.Geometry, ee.Feature or ee.FeatureCollection."
raise AttributeError(err_str)
if (
isinstance(ee_object, ee.geometry.Geometry)
or isinstance(ee_object, ee.feature.Feature)
or isinstance(ee_object, ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection)
features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee_object)
width = 2
if "width" in vis_params:
width = vis_params["width"]
color = "000000"
if "color" in vis_params:
color = vis_params["color"]
image_fill =**{"fillColor": color}).updateMask(
image_outline =
**{"color": color, "fillColor": "00000000", "width": width}
image = image_fill.blend(image_outline)
elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.image.Image):
image = ee_object
elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection):
image = ee_object.mosaic()
if "palette" in vis_params:
if isinstance(vis_params["palette"], tuple):
vis_params["palette"] = list(vis_params["palette"])
if isinstance(vis_params["palette"], Box):
vis_params["palette"] = vis_params["palette"]["default"]
except Exception as e:
print("The provided palette is invalid.")
raise Exception(e)
elif isinstance(vis_params["palette"], str):
vis_params["palette"] = check_cmap(vis_params["palette"])
elif not isinstance(vis_params["palette"], list):
raise ValueError(
"The palette must be a list of colors or a string or a Box object."
map_id_dict = ee.Image(image).getMapId(vis_params)
url = map_id_dict["tile_fetcher"].url_format
self.add_layer(url, layer_name=name, **kwargs)
addLayer = add_ee_layer
def add_basemap(self, basemap: str = "HYBRID") -> None:
"""Adds a basemap to the map.
basemap (str): Can be one of string from pydeck_basemaps. Defaults to 'HYBRID'.
import xyzservices
if isinstance(basemap, xyzservices.TileProvider):
name =
url = basemap.build_url()
self.add_layer(url, name)
elif basemap in basemaps:
pdk.settings.custom_libraries = [
"libraryName": "MyTileLayerLibrary",
"resourceUri": "",
layer = pdk.Layer("MyTileLayer", basemaps[basemap].url, basemap)
"Basemap can only be one of the following:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join(basemaps.keys())
except Exception:
raise ValueError(
"Basemap can only be one of the following:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join(basemaps.keys())
def add_gdf(
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to the map.
gdf (GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame): The GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to add to the map.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
TypeError: gdf must be a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.
import geopandas as gpd
if not isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
raise TypeError("gdf must be a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.")
if layer_name is None:
layer_name = "layer_" + random_string(3)
if "pickable" not in kwargs:
kwargs["pickable"] = True
if "opacity" not in kwargs:
kwargs["opacity"] = 0.5
if "stroked" not in kwargs:
kwargs["stroked"] = True
if "filled" not in kwargs:
kwargs["filled"] = True
if "extruded" not in kwargs:
kwargs["extruded"] = False
if "wireframe" not in kwargs:
kwargs["wireframe"] = True
if "get_line_color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["get_line_color"] = [0, 0, 0]
if "get_line_width" not in kwargs:
kwargs["get_line_width"] = 2
if "line_width_min_pixels" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line_width_min_pixels"] = 1
if random_color_column is not None:
if random_color_column not in gdf.columns.values.tolist():
raise ValueError(
"The random_color_column provided does not exist in the vector file."
color_lookup = pdk.data_utils.assign_random_colors(
gdf["color"] = gdf.apply(
lambda row: color_lookup.get(row[random_color_column]), axis=1
kwargs["get_fill_color"] = "color"
layer = pdk.Layer(
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
def add_vector(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a vector file to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
import geopandas as gpd
if not filename.startswith("http"):
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if filename.endswith(".zip"):
filename = "zip://" + filename
if filename.endswith(".kml"):["KML"] = "rw"
gdf = gpd.read_file(filename, driver="KML")
gdf = gpd.read_file(filename)
self.add_gdf(gdf, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
def add_geojson(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a GeoJSON file to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
self.add_vector(filename, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
def add_shp(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a shapefile to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
self.add_vector(filename, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
def add_kml(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a KML file to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
self.add_vector(filename, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
__init__(self, center=(20, 0), zoom=1.2, height=800, width=None, **kwargs)
Initialize a Map object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
center |
tuple |
Center of the map in the format of (lat, lon). Defaults to (20, 0). |
(20, 0) |
zoom |
int |
The map zoom level. Defaults to 1.2. |
1.2 |
height |
int |
The map height. Note that the height has no effect in Jupyter notebook. Only works for streamlit. Defaults to 800. |
800 |
width |
int |
The map width. Note that the height has no effect in Jupyter notebook. Only works for streamlit. Defaults to None. |
None |
Source code in geemap/
def __init__(self, center=(20, 0), zoom=1.2, height=800, width=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a Map object.
center (tuple, optional): Center of the map in the format of (lat, lon). Defaults to (20, 0).
zoom (int, optional): The map zoom level. Defaults to 1.2.
height (int, optional): The map height. Note that the height has no effect in Jupyter notebook. Only works for streamlit. Defaults to 800.
width (int, optional): The map width. Note that the height has no effect in Jupyter notebook. Only works for streamlit. Defaults to None.
# Authenticates Earth Engine and initializes an Earth Engine session
if "ee_initialize" not in kwargs.keys():
kwargs["ee_initialize"] = True
if kwargs["ee_initialize"]:
if "initial_view_state" not in kwargs:
kwargs["initial_view_state"] = pdk.ViewState(
if "map_style" not in kwargs:
kwargs["map_style"] = "light"
addLayer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, **kwargs)
Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ee_object |
Collection|Feature|Image|MapId |
The object to add to the map. |
required |
vis_params |
dict |
The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}. |
{} |
name |
str |
The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object. |
{} |
Source code in geemap/
def add_ee_layer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, **kwargs):
"""Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
ee_object (Collection|Feature|Image|MapId): The object to add to the map.
vis_params (dict, optional): The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object.
import ee
from box import Box
image = None
if vis_params is None:
vis_params = {}
if name is None:
layer_count = len(self.layers)
name = "Layer " + str(layer_count + 1)
if (
not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Image)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.ImageCollection)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Feature)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Geometry)
err_str = "\n\nThe image argument in 'addLayer' function must be an instance of one of ee.Image, ee.Geometry, ee.Feature or ee.FeatureCollection."
raise AttributeError(err_str)
if (
isinstance(ee_object, ee.geometry.Geometry)
or isinstance(ee_object, ee.feature.Feature)
or isinstance(ee_object, ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection)
features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee_object)
width = 2
if "width" in vis_params:
width = vis_params["width"]
color = "000000"
if "color" in vis_params:
color = vis_params["color"]
image_fill =**{"fillColor": color}).updateMask(
image_outline =
**{"color": color, "fillColor": "00000000", "width": width}
image = image_fill.blend(image_outline)
elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.image.Image):
image = ee_object
elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection):
image = ee_object.mosaic()
if "palette" in vis_params:
if isinstance(vis_params["palette"], tuple):
vis_params["palette"] = list(vis_params["palette"])
if isinstance(vis_params["palette"], Box):
vis_params["palette"] = vis_params["palette"]["default"]
except Exception as e:
print("The provided palette is invalid.")
raise Exception(e)
elif isinstance(vis_params["palette"], str):
vis_params["palette"] = check_cmap(vis_params["palette"])
elif not isinstance(vis_params["palette"], list):
raise ValueError(
"The palette must be a list of colors or a string or a Box object."
map_id_dict = ee.Image(image).getMapId(vis_params)
url = map_id_dict["tile_fetcher"].url_format
self.add_layer(url, layer_name=name, **kwargs)
add_basemap(self, basemap='HYBRID')
Adds a basemap to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
basemap |
str |
Can be one of string from pydeck_basemaps. Defaults to 'HYBRID'. |
Source code in geemap/
def add_basemap(self, basemap: str = "HYBRID") -> None:
"""Adds a basemap to the map.
basemap (str): Can be one of string from pydeck_basemaps. Defaults to 'HYBRID'.
import xyzservices
if isinstance(basemap, xyzservices.TileProvider):
name =
url = basemap.build_url()
self.add_layer(url, name)
elif basemap in basemaps:
pdk.settings.custom_libraries = [
"libraryName": "MyTileLayerLibrary",
"resourceUri": "",
layer = pdk.Layer("MyTileLayer", basemaps[basemap].url, basemap)
"Basemap can only be one of the following:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join(basemaps.keys())
except Exception:
raise ValueError(
"Basemap can only be one of the following:\n {}".format(
"\n ".join(basemaps.keys())
add_ee_layer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, **kwargs)
Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ee_object |
Collection|Feature|Image|MapId |
The object to add to the map. |
required |
vis_params |
dict |
The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}. |
{} |
name |
str |
The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object. |
{} |
Source code in geemap/
def add_ee_layer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, **kwargs):
"""Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
ee_object (Collection|Feature|Image|MapId): The object to add to the map.
vis_params (dict, optional): The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.
name (str, optional): The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object.
import ee
from box import Box
image = None
if vis_params is None:
vis_params = {}
if name is None:
layer_count = len(self.layers)
name = "Layer " + str(layer_count + 1)
if (
not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Image)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.ImageCollection)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Feature)
and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Geometry)
err_str = "\n\nThe image argument in 'addLayer' function must be an instance of one of ee.Image, ee.Geometry, ee.Feature or ee.FeatureCollection."
raise AttributeError(err_str)
if (
isinstance(ee_object, ee.geometry.Geometry)
or isinstance(ee_object, ee.feature.Feature)
or isinstance(ee_object, ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection)
features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee_object)
width = 2
if "width" in vis_params:
width = vis_params["width"]
color = "000000"
if "color" in vis_params:
color = vis_params["color"]
image_fill =**{"fillColor": color}).updateMask(
image_outline =
**{"color": color, "fillColor": "00000000", "width": width}
image = image_fill.blend(image_outline)
elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.image.Image):
image = ee_object
elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection):
image = ee_object.mosaic()
if "palette" in vis_params:
if isinstance(vis_params["palette"], tuple):
vis_params["palette"] = list(vis_params["palette"])
if isinstance(vis_params["palette"], Box):
vis_params["palette"] = vis_params["palette"]["default"]
except Exception as e:
print("The provided palette is invalid.")
raise Exception(e)
elif isinstance(vis_params["palette"], str):
vis_params["palette"] = check_cmap(vis_params["palette"])
elif not isinstance(vis_params["palette"], list):
raise ValueError(
"The palette must be a list of colors or a string or a Box object."
map_id_dict = ee.Image(image).getMapId(vis_params)
url = map_id_dict["tile_fetcher"].url_format
self.add_layer(url, layer_name=name, **kwargs)
add_gdf(self, gdf, layer_name=None, random_color_column=None, **kwargs)
Adds a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
gdf |
GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame |
The GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to add to the map. |
required |
layer_name |
str |
The layer name to be used. Defaults to None. |
None |
random_color_column |
str |
The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
TypeError |
gdf must be a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame. |
Source code in geemap/
def add_gdf(
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to the map.
gdf (GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame): The GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to add to the map.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
TypeError: gdf must be a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.
import geopandas as gpd
if not isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
raise TypeError("gdf must be a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.")
if layer_name is None:
layer_name = "layer_" + random_string(3)
if "pickable" not in kwargs:
kwargs["pickable"] = True
if "opacity" not in kwargs:
kwargs["opacity"] = 0.5
if "stroked" not in kwargs:
kwargs["stroked"] = True
if "filled" not in kwargs:
kwargs["filled"] = True
if "extruded" not in kwargs:
kwargs["extruded"] = False
if "wireframe" not in kwargs:
kwargs["wireframe"] = True
if "get_line_color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["get_line_color"] = [0, 0, 0]
if "get_line_width" not in kwargs:
kwargs["get_line_width"] = 2
if "line_width_min_pixels" not in kwargs:
kwargs["line_width_min_pixels"] = 1
if random_color_column is not None:
if random_color_column not in gdf.columns.values.tolist():
raise ValueError(
"The random_color_column provided does not exist in the vector file."
color_lookup = pdk.data_utils.assign_random_colors(
gdf["color"] = gdf.apply(
lambda row: color_lookup.get(row[random_color_column]), axis=1
kwargs["get_fill_color"] = "color"
layer = pdk.Layer(
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
add_geojson(self, filename, layer_name=None, random_color_column=None, **kwargs)
Adds a GeoJSON file to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filename |
str |
The input file path to the vector dataset. |
required |
layer_name |
str |
The layer name to be used. Defaults to None. |
None |
random_color_column |
str |
The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
FileNotFoundError |
The provided vector file could not be found. |
Source code in geemap/
def add_geojson(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a GeoJSON file to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
self.add_vector(filename, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
add_kml(self, filename, layer_name=None, random_color_column=None, **kwargs)
Adds a KML file to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filename |
str |
The input file path to the vector dataset. |
required |
layer_name |
str |
The layer name to be used. Defaults to None. |
None |
random_color_column |
str |
The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
FileNotFoundError |
The provided vector file could not be found. |
Source code in geemap/
def add_kml(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a KML file to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
self.add_vector(filename, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
add_layer(self, layer, layer_name=None, **kwargs)
Add a layer to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
layer |
pydeck.Layer |
A pydeck Layer object. |
required |
layer_name |
str |
Sets the layer 'id' for the pydeck Layer object. |
None |
**kwargs |
Any |
Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object. |
{} |
Source code in geemap/
def add_layer(self, layer, layer_name=None, **kwargs):
"""Add a layer to the map.
layer (pydeck.Layer): A pydeck Layer object.
layer_name (str, optional): Sets the layer 'id' for the pydeck Layer object.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the pydeck Layer object.
if isinstance(layer, str) and layer.startswith("http"):
pdk.settings.custom_libraries = [
"libraryName": "MyTileLayerLibrary",
"resourceUri": "",
layer = pdk.Layer("MyTileLayer", layer, id=layer_name, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
add_shp(self, filename, layer_name=None, random_color_column=None, **kwargs)
Adds a shapefile to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filename |
str |
The input file path to the vector dataset. |
required |
layer_name |
str |
The layer name to be used. Defaults to None. |
None |
random_color_column |
str |
The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
FileNotFoundError |
The provided vector file could not be found. |
Source code in geemap/
def add_shp(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a shapefile to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
self.add_vector(filename, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
add_vector(self, filename, layer_name=None, random_color_column=None, **kwargs)
Adds a vector file to the map.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filename |
str |
The input file path to the vector dataset. |
required |
layer_name |
str |
The layer name to be used. Defaults to None. |
None |
random_color_column |
str |
The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None. |
None |
Type | Description |
FileNotFoundError |
The provided vector file could not be found. |
Source code in geemap/
def add_vector(
filename: str,
layer_name: Optional[str] = None,
random_color_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Adds a vector file to the map.
filename (str): The input file path to the vector dataset.
layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to be used. Defaults to None.
random_color_column (str, optional): The column name to use for random color. Defaults to None.
FileNotFoundError: The provided vector file could not be found.
import geopandas as gpd
if not filename.startswith("http"):
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if filename.endswith(".zip"):
filename = "zip://" + filename
if filename.endswith(".kml"):["KML"] = "rw"
gdf = gpd.read_file(filename, driver="KML")
gdf = gpd.read_file(filename)
self.add_gdf(gdf, layer_name, random_color_column, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)