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ml module

Module for machine learning with Google Earth Engine.


Convert a CSV file containing a list of strings (an ensemble of decision trees) to an ee.Classifier.


Name Type Description Default
in_csv str

File path to the input CSV.



Type Description


Source code in geemap/
def csv_to_classifier(in_csv):
    """Convert a CSV file containing a list of strings (an ensemble of decision trees) to an ee.Classifier.

        in_csv (str): File path to the input CSV.
        object: ee.Classifier.

    in_csv = os.path.join(in_csv)

        with open(in_csv) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"{in_csv} could not be found.")
        return None

    null_island = ee.Geometry.Point([0, 0])
    features = [ee.Feature(null_island, {"tree": line.strip()}) for line in lines]
    rf_fc = ee.FeatureCollection(features)
    classifier = fc_to_classifier(rf_fc)

    return classifier

export_trees_to_fc(trees, asset_id, description='geemap_rf_export')

Function that creates a feature collection with a property tree which contains the string representation of decision trees and exports to ee asset for later use


Name Type Description Default
trees list[str]

list of string representation of the decision trees

asset_id str

ee asset id path to export the feature collection to



description (str): optional description to provide export information. default = "geemap_rf_export"

Source code in geemap/
def export_trees_to_fc(trees, asset_id, description="geemap_rf_export"):
    """Function that creates a feature collection with a property tree which contains the string representation of decision trees and exports to ee asset for later use

        trees (list[str]): list of string representation of the decision trees
        asset_id (str): ee asset id path to export the feature collection to

        description (str): optional description to provide export information. default = "geemap_rf_export"

    # create a null geometry point. This is needed to properly export the feature collection
    null_island = ee.Geometry.Point([0, 0])

    # create a list of feature over null island
    # set the tree property as the tree string
    # encode return values (\n) as #, use to parse later
    features = [
        ee.Feature(null_island, {"tree": tree.replace("\n", "#")}) for tree in trees
    # cast as feature collection
    fc = ee.FeatureCollection(features)

    # get export task and start
    task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(
        collection=fc, description=description, assetId=asset_id


Function that takes a feature collection resulting from export_trees_to_fc and creates a ee.Classifier that can be used with ee objects


Name Type Description Default
fc ee.FeatureCollection

feature collection that has trees property for each feature that represents the decision tree



Type Description
classifier (ee.Classifier)

ee classifier object representing an ensemble decision tree

Source code in geemap/
def fc_to_classifier(fc):
    """Function that takes a feature collection resulting from `export_trees_to_fc` and creates a ee.Classifier that can be used with ee objects

        fc (ee.FeatureCollection): feature collection that has trees property for each feature that represents the decision tree

        classifier (ee.Classifier): ee classifier object representing an ensemble decision tree


    # get a list of tree strings from feature collection
    tree_strings = fc.aggregate_array("tree").map(
        lambda x: ee.String(x).replace(
            "#", "\n", "g"
        )  # expects that # is ecoded to be a return
    # pass list of ee.Strings to an ensemble decision tree classifier (i.e. RandomForest)
    classifier = ee.Classifier.decisionTreeEnsemble(tree_strings)

    return classifier

rf_to_strings(estimator, feature_names, processes=2, output_mode='INFER')

Function to convert a ensemble of decision trees into a list of strings. Wraps tree_to_string


Name Type Description Default
estimator sklearn.ensemble.estimator

A decision tree classifier or regressor object created using sklearn

feature_names list[str]

List of strings that define the name of features (i.e. bands) used to create the model

processes int

number of cpu processes to spawn. Increasing processes will improve speed for large models. default = 2

output_mode str

the output mode of the estimator. Options are "INFER", "CLASSIFIATION", or "REGRESSION" (capitalization does not matter). default = "INFER"



Type Description
trees (list[str])

list of strings where each string represents a decision tree estimator and collectively represent an ensemble decision tree estimator (i.e. RandomForest)

Source code in geemap/
def rf_to_strings(estimator, feature_names, processes=2, output_mode="INFER"):
    """Function to convert a ensemble of decision trees into a list of strings. Wraps `tree_to_string`

        estimator (sklearn.ensemble.estimator): A decision tree classifier or regressor object created using sklearn
        feature_names (list[str]): List of strings that define the name of features (i.e. bands) used to create the model
        processes (int): number of cpu processes to spawn. Increasing processes will improve speed for large models. default = 2
        output_mode (str): the output mode of the estimator. Options are "INFER", "CLASSIFIATION", or "REGRESSION" (capitalization does not matter). default = "INFER"

        trees (list[str]): list of strings where each string represents a decision tree estimator and collectively represent an ensemble decision tree estimator (i.e. RandomForest)


    # force output mode to be capital
    output_mode = output_mode.upper()


    if output_mode not in available_modes:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The provided output_mode is not available, please provide one from the following list: {available_modes}"

    # extract out the estimator trees
    estimators = np.squeeze(estimator.estimators_)

    if output_mode == "INFER":
        if estimator.criterion in ["gini", "entropy"]:
            class_labels = estimator.classes_
        elif estimator.criterion in ["mse", "mae"]:
            class_labels = None
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not infer the output type from the estimator, please explicitly provide the output_mode "

    elif output_mode == "CLASSIFICATION":
        class_labels = estimator.classes_

        class_labels = None

    # check that number of processors set to use is not more than available
    if processes >= mp.cpu_count():
        # if so, force to use only cpu count - 1
        processes = mp.cpu_count() - 1

    # run the tree extraction process in parallel
    with mp.Pool(processes) as pool:
        proc = pool.map_async(
        trees = list(proc.get())

    return trees


Function that takes string representation of decision trees and creates a ee.Classifier that can be used with ee objects


Name Type Description Default
trees list[str]

list of string representation of the decision trees



Type Description
classifier (ee.Classifier)

ee classifier object representing an ensemble decision tree

Source code in geemap/
def strings_to_classifier(trees):
    """Function that takes string representation of decision trees and creates a ee.Classifier that can be used with ee objects

        trees (list[str]): list of string representation of the decision trees

        classifier (ee.Classifier): ee classifier object representing an ensemble decision tree


    # convert strings to ee.String objects
    ee_strings = [ee.String(tree) for tree in trees]

    # pass list of ee.Strings to an ensemble decision tree classifier (i.e. RandomForest)
    classifier = ee.Classifier.decisionTreeEnsemble(ee_strings)

    return classifier

tree_to_string(estimator, feature_names, labels=None, output_mode='INFER')

Function to convert a sklearn decision tree object to a string format that EE can interpret


Name Type Description Default
estimator sklearn.tree.estimator

An estimator consisting of multiple decision tree classifiers. Expects object to contain estimators_ attribute

feature_names Iterable[str]

List of strings that define the name of features (i.e. bands) used to create the model

labels Iterable[numeric]

List of class labels to map outputs to, must be numeric values. If None, then raw outputs will be used. default = None

output_mode str

the output mode of the estimator. Options are "INFER", "CLASSIFIATION", or "REGRESSION" (capitalization does not matter). default = "INFER"



Type Description
tree_str (str)

string representation of decision tree estimator


Type Description

raises run time error when function cannot determine if the estimator is for regression or classification problem

Source code in geemap/
def tree_to_string(estimator, feature_names, labels=None, output_mode="INFER"):
    """Function to convert a sklearn decision tree object to a string format that EE can interpret

        estimator (sklearn.tree.estimator): An estimator consisting of multiple decision tree classifiers. Expects object to contain estimators_ attribute
        feature_names (Iterable[str]): List of strings that define the name of features (i.e. bands) used to create the model
        labels (Iterable[numeric]): List of class labels to map outputs to, must be numeric values. If None, then raw outputs will be used. default = None
        output_mode (str): the output mode of the estimator. Options are "INFER", "CLASSIFIATION", or "REGRESSION" (capitalization does not matter). default = "INFER"

        tree_str (str): string representation of decision tree estimator

        RuntimeError: raises run time error when function cannot determine if the estimator is for regression or classification problem

    # extract out the information need to build the tree string
    n_nodes = estimator.tree_.node_count
    children_left = estimator.tree_.children_left
    children_right = estimator.tree_.children_right
    feature_idx = estimator.tree_.feature
    impurities = estimator.tree_.impurity
    n_samples = estimator.tree_.n_node_samples
    thresholds = estimator.tree_.threshold
    features = [feature_names[i] for i in feature_idx]

    raw_vals = np.squeeze(estimator.tree_.value)

    # first check if user wants to infer output mode
    # if so, reset the output_mode variable to a valid mode
    if output_mode == "INFER":
        if raw_vals.ndim == 2:
            output_mode = "CLASSIFICATION"

        elif raw_vals.ndim == 1:
            output_mode = "REGRESSION"

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not infer the output type from the estimator, please explicitly provide the output_mode "

    # second check on the output mode after the inference
    if output_mode == "CLASSIFICATION":
        # take argmax along class axis from values
        values = raw_vals.argmax(axis=-1)
        if labels is not None:
            index_labels = np.unique(values)
            lookup = {idx: labels[i] for i, idx in enumerate(index_labels)}
            values = [lookup[v] for v in values]

        out_type = int

    elif output_mode == "REGRESSION":
        # take values and drop un needed axis
        values = np.around(raw_vals, decimals=6)
        out_type = float

    elif output_mode == "PROBABILITY":
        # calculate fraction of samples of the same class in a leaf
        # currently only supporting binary classifications
        # check if n classes == 2 (i.e. binary classes)
        if raw_vals.shape[-1] != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "shape mismatch: outputs from trees = {raw_vals.shape[-1]} classes, currently probability outputs is support for binary classifications"

        probas = np.around(
            (raw_vals / np.sum(raw_vals, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]), decimals=6

        values = probas[:, -1]
        out_type = float

    elif output_mode == "MULTIPROBABILITY":
        # calculate fraction of samples of the same class in a leaf
        # this is a 2-d array making the output multidimensional
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Currently multiprobability output is not support, please choose one of the following output modes: ['CLASSIFIATION', 'REGRESSION', 'PROBABILITY' or 'INFER']"

        # probas = np.around(
        #     (raw_vals / np.sum(raw_vals,axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]),
        #     decimals=6
        # )

        # values = probas.tolist()
        # out_type = list

        raise RuntimeError(
            "could not understand estimator type and parse out the values"

    # use iterative pre-order search to extract node depth and leaf information
    node_ids = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.int64)
    node_depth = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.int64)
    is_leaves = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=bool)
    stack = [(0, -1)]  # seed is the root node id and its parent depth
    while len(stack) > 0:
        node_id, parent_depth = stack.pop()
        node_depth[node_id] = parent_depth + 1
        node_ids[node_id] = node_id

        # If we have a test node
        if children_left[node_id] != children_right[node_id]:
            stack.append((children_left[node_id], parent_depth + 1))
            stack.append((children_right[node_id], parent_depth + 1))
            is_leaves[node_id] = True

    # create a table of the initial structure
    # each row is a node or leaf
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "node_id": node_ids,
            "node_depth": node_depth,
            "is_leaf": is_leaves,
            "children_left": children_left,
            "children_right": children_right,
            "value": values,
            "criterion": impurities,
            "n_samples": n_samples,
            "threshold": thresholds,
            "feature_name": features,
            "sign": ["<="] * n_nodes,

    # the table representation does not have lef vs right node structure
    # so we need to add in right nodes in the correct location
    # we do this by first calculating which nodes are right and then insert them at the correct index

    # get a dict of right node rows and assign key based on index where to insert
    inserts = {}
    for row in df.itertuples():
        child_r = row.children_right
        if child_r > row.Index:
            ordered_row = np.array(row)
            ordered_row[-1] = ">"
            inserts[child_r] = ordered_row[1:]  # drop index value
    # sort the inserts as to keep track of the additive indexing
    inserts_sorted = {k: inserts[k] for k in sorted(inserts.keys())}

    # loop through the row inserts and add to table (array)
    table_values = df.values
    for i, k in enumerate(inserts_sorted.keys()):
        table_values = np.insert(table_values, (k + i), inserts_sorted[k], axis=0)

    # make the ordered table array into a dataframe
    # note: df is dtype "object", need to cast later on
    ordered_df = pd.DataFrame(table_values, columns=df.columns)

    max_depth = np.max(ordered_df.node_depth.astype(int))
    tree_str = f"1) root {n_samples[0]} 9999 9999 ({impurities.sum()})\n"
    previous_depth = -1
    cnts = []
    # loop through the nodes and calculate the node number and values per node
    for row in ordered_df.itertuples():
        node_depth = int(row.node_depth)
        left = int(row.children_left)
        right = int(row.children_right)
        if left != right:
            if row.Index == 0:
                cnt = 2
            elif previous_depth > node_depth:
                depths = ordered_df.node_depth.values[: row.Index]
                idx = np.where(depths == node_depth)[0][-1]
                # cnt = (cnts[row.Index-1] // 2) + 1
                cnt = cnts[idx] + 1
            elif previous_depth < node_depth:
                cnt = cnts[row.Index - 1] * 2
            elif previous_depth == node_depth:
                cnt = cnts[row.Index - 1] + 1

            if node_depth == (max_depth - 1):
                value = out_type(ordered_df.iloc[row.Index + 1].value)
                samps = int(ordered_df.iloc[row.Index + 1].n_samples)
                criterion = float(ordered_df.iloc[row.Index + 1].criterion)
                tail = " *\n"
                if (
                    (bool(ordered_df.loc[ordered_df.node_id == left].iloc[0].is_leaf))
                    and (
                            < int(ordered_df.loc[ordered_df.node_id == left].index[0])
                    and (str(row.sign) == "<=")
                    rowx = ordered_df.loc[ordered_df.node_id == left].iloc[0]
                    tail = " *\n"
                    value = out_type(rowx.value)
                    samps = int(rowx.n_samples)
                    criterion = float(rowx.criterion)

                elif (
                    (bool(ordered_df.loc[ordered_df.node_id == right].iloc[0].is_leaf))
                    and (
                            < int(ordered_df.loc[ordered_df.node_id == right].index[0])
                    and (str(row.sign) == ">")
                    rowx = ordered_df.loc[ordered_df.node_id == right].iloc[0]
                    tail = " *\n"
                    value = out_type(rowx.value)
                    samps = int(rowx.n_samples)
                    criterion = float(rowx.criterion)

                    value = out_type(row.value)
                    samps = int(row.n_samples)
                    criterion = float(row.criterion)
                    tail = "\n"

            # extract out the information needed in each line
            spacing = (node_depth + 1) * "  "  # for pretty printing
            fname = str(row.feature_name)  # name of the feature (i.e. band name)
            tresh = float(row.threshold)  # threshold
            sign = str(row.sign)

            tree_str += f"{spacing}{cnt}) {fname} {sign} {tresh:.6f} {samps} {criterion:.4f} {value}{tail}"
            previous_depth = node_depth

    return tree_str

trees_to_csv(trees, out_csv)

Save a list of strings (an ensemble of decision trees) to a CSV file.


Name Type Description Default
trees list

A list of strings (an ensemble of decision trees).

out_csv str

File path to the output csv

Source code in geemap/
def trees_to_csv(trees, out_csv):
    """Save a list of strings (an ensemble of decision trees) to a CSV file.

        trees (list): A list of strings (an ensemble of decision trees).
        out_csv (str): File path to the output csv
    out_csv = os.path.abspath(out_csv)
    with open(out_csv, "w") as f:
        f.writelines([tree.replace("\n", "#") + "\n" for tree in trees])